All you need to know about drawings during phone conversations

    During phone conversations one may encounter various types of communication behaviors such as the use of drawings. Drawings during phone conversations can serve as visual aids, distractions or form part of a more complex message. It is not uncommon to see people scribbling on pieces of paper or even staring at a blank space while they are talking on the phone. But what prompts these behaviours and how do they affect communication?

    Drawings during phone conversations serve different purposes. They may be used to illustrate a point or help explain a concept when words are not enough. For instance, a client may draw a diagram to explain to a designer how they would like their website to look like. When pictures are used in this way they are effective in passing the intended message across.

    Drawings can also serve as distractions when the speaker is not interested in the conversation or is bored. One may doodle or paint on a nearby surface while conversing on phone. Such drawings may not be related to the content of the conversation and may not contribute to the communication process. In some cases, the drawings may be interpreted as a sign of disrespect or a lack of interest in what the other person is saying.

    Lastly, drawings may form part of a more complex message. When used in conjunction with words, they can help in explaining the meaning of the message better. In some cases, drawings may be used to convey emotions such as feeling happy, bored or sad. A frown or a smiley drawn during conversations can help the other person understand what the speaker is feeling at the moment.

    In conclusion, drawings during phone conversations can communicate different things depending on the context in which they are used. They may be effective in passing the intended message across, or they may distract and cause miscommunication. The best way to handle drawings during phone conversations is to understand the context in which they appear. When used appropriately, drawings can enhance communication and help clarify complex messages.

    Title: The role of drawings in phone conversations
    Summary: Drawings may be used in different ways during phone conversations. This article explores the different purposes of drawings during phone conversations and how they affect communication.

    Word count: 375

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